jeremy_bot The Start.

This post is basically for me to keep track of what happened and why. I’m following the install listed on

I figure I’ve built Linux From Scratch before, how hard could this be.

I have Homebrew installed on a clean install of Mojave with Xcode. The first dependency I’m installing is Torch from source… imagemagick is causing some issues installing, which wants to compile python, which requires Apple Command Line Tools. But python is already installed… Now the python install gave me this error “The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local” –googling– which led me to this comment about homebrew and Symlinks which is for High Sierra but likely the same. OK great! It was, I was able to get imagemagick installed, on to the next problem.

Now I get an error running the install script “Error: invalid option: –with-wxmac” from homebrew… which from the script appears to be an option for gnuplot… -more searching online- huh, it looks like the brew formula for gnuplot has no install options…? brew options gnuplot returns nothing. There is an ability with homebrew to edit the formula, which I have never done and know nothing about… well… maybe this is stopping point for now.

I have another starting point AI Artist for Machine Learning for Hackers #5 which is based on this YouTube series by Siraj Raval. This code does not utilize Torch, so maybe it will work and video to explain it!?!


