Changes for 2017

I’m not sure there is a need for this post, but anyway. NEW THINGS!! Anyway I just decided to use this as my general blog, instead of focusing ONLY on the developments of various robots and electronics. Which clearly I have not updated this in a while, so here’s a quick 3d printer update. Below is the same 3d printer I have been using, slow updates as needed and tested. Right now though you can see it’s been eating by cardboard boxes… I was attempting to keep some heat in for a set a prints. It was not a helpful as I thought it would be and makes it difficult to do repairs or get to anything. That has to come apart again, and I’ll be rewiring it again, there will be a post for that next week.

And here is the pile of parts for my new Mostly 3d printed CNC, I have most of the mostly printed parts mostly printed… and sitting in a boots box, I’m a bit behind on that.



